The Math Man Prophecies

Random stuff for my friends

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I finally gave in and added the Scrabulous application on Facebook. I've been playing with Robin, and I finally got a little bit of a lead of 163-144... gross.

Practical Applications of Algebraic Extensions

I'm in an Algebra class, which is broken up into 4 different sections (Group Theory, Field Theory, Ring Theory and Linear Algebra). We are currently doing Field Theory. There's an Analysis midterm tonight, Algebra homework due tomorrow, and an Algebra midterm due Friday. One of my friends didn't think he'd have enough time to finish the Algebra homework, so he sent an email to our TA, Cap, asking for an extension.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Stupid Math

You know those people that sit through math class and ask, "when are we ever going to need to know this stuff?" Yeah? Those people suck! The example Boris gave was when he was in Chipotle, paid $20.20 for a meal that costs 6.14. As change, he received $14.04. Well I have an example I just found. As much as I hate those annoying people who disregard math and then make fools of themselves later, and as much as I hate to dignify their question with a response, here is what I just found: (click on the bottom link) It's an mp3 file.

On a side note, I am so glad I do not have Verizon.

Math Joke

A revival to this blog? Perahps. I don't know. If anybody has any cool suggestions, like a counter or something to let me see who all is reading my blog, I would appreciate it. The other day, I saw a joke I liked, that is appropriate for the revivification of this blog.

Why do mathematicians get Christmas and Halloween mixed up?

Because Dec 25 = Oct 31