That's odd
My TA training course has 3 professors and 1 TA (the students are all future TAs). Today, they were babbling on about the first day of class. The TA was demonstrating, and got to the point where he explained the grading scale. It was a simple enough scale, 2 exams counting for 20%, 1 final for 40%, and a recitation grade of 20% (homework, quizzes, groupwork... I dunno. I wasn't really paying too much attention). The percentages were easy enough, but as it turns out, each exam was only worth 20 points, the final was 40 points, each quiz was worth 2 points, etc.... Again, a normal grading scale, just scaled down quite a bit. One of the professors didn't like the idea of all of the graded assignments totaling to 100 points and remarked, "That's odd." My TA responded, "Actually, that's even."
The Math Man Prophecies
Random stuff for my friends